Friday, July 27, 2007


What's up my readers I am going to talk about one of the slowest animals but is a very good pet it's a vegetarian and doesn't make lot's of noise. Have you figured it out yet.Tell you what I'll give you a hint it's it's the only reptile without teeth. Have you found it out yet if your thinking of a Turtle your smart.Turtles are wonderful pets I have had a couple of turtles myself my first turtle my dad bought. My second turtle I caught with my dad.My third turtle we rescued from getting road killed.We let my second and third turtle we let go but my first turtle I had to give away because we moved into an apartment.Anyway Turtles are very old animals scientist say that they lived during prehistoric time.Turtles are also the only reptile that has a hard shell.Turtles are my second favorite reptile because I have experienced one. Well thats all I have for you guys.See you next time.

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