Monday, July 30, 2007


Hello my readers I am going to blog about one of the most feared animals in the world the Tarantula. I have always wondered what tarantula meant and after some research I finally found out what it meant I won't tell you what it is until you figure it out but I will give you hints the first hint is venomous. The second is poisonous.Have you found it out yet if you are thinking venomous spider your right.My dad has a tarantula and it just finished shedding ex-skeleton I stood and watched it for an hour and some minutes and it never flipped over until we turn the camera off and the lights off to so they like to shed in the dark.Anyway today I am talking about tarantulas because their so fascinating because they look deadly but they are actually very calm animals they also have very good defensive attacks . Do you know how many defensive actions a tarantula has if you think 2 your wrong it is actually 3.Its main defense is it's venom or fangs.The second is it's web but that is only for some spiders.The third is its fur it use it as a last resort it actually shakes it's fur off and gets on your skin and makes you very itchy. I have always thought that tarantulas were amazing because of it's defensive attacks.Well thats all I have for you guys have a good day.

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